Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sickos on the Internet

Recently, I came home to find my niece setting my son up with a Facebook account. It wasn't a big deal, in fact I was okay with it, however, I drew the line at that. He was begging for a myspace account and was heavily disappointed when I said "NO WAY!" Facebook has so far been the one site that I feel safe about Jackson having.

I can totally understand, however, parents checking in on their kids or prohibiting them from having this or that account. Now granted, I put my information out there more because of my business, but over the last couple of years some interesting stuff has come my way to say the least.

I have had several people, guys, leaving me messages that seem perfectly innocent, just checking in asking questions about sittings and so forth, only later to get some seriously rude statements that follow. God for bid the kids leave any personal information like addresses, cell phones, and such on their profiles. I can't tell you how many text messages I have gotten from people I don't even know. It's almost scary. All they have to do is check my website and get my phone number and taduh, there is even more access.

As parents, we have to be incredibly cautious of the Internet age. I speak from experience. There are some pretty scary predators out there. I sound like a prude, I know, to any of my young readers, but I am a 33 year old mom, that gets it.

I am putting this out there as a warning to all parents. This is serious stuff. I have met and come across some sickos in just a matter of a few months. It scares me to imagine what our young girls come across weekly. So as our kids get interested in this account or that, please don't hesitate to monitor their Internet activity. They will hate you for it and want their privacy, but as someone with experience, I would rather them hate me for the time then regret it later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad my kids are still in the Club Penguin stage. There's certainly a lot more to consider as a parent concerning the internet among other things. Sure seems like I lived in Mayberry as a kid. Nobody locked their doors and predators were never a concern growing up. Or maybe I was just oblivious to it all.