Day Four, Saturday, Jakob was down to 25% oxygen. The doctors and nurses were telling us that he should soon be off all meds. and the ventilator all together. Wow, so soon! Amazing! We had thought we were going to be in here for two weeks, but the progress he was making was unbelievable. Thank God! They had previously put him on a medication that basically paralyzed him so he wouldn't pull any of his tubes out. They had already started weaning him off of that med, but it was this morning that when I held his hand he squeezed my finger. What a wonderfully experience to have first thing Saturday morning! I had checked out of the hospital this day. I really hadn't thought it was that bad until I got home later that evening and was missing him tremendously! But sure enough we got up first things Sunday morning and headed to see him.
Day Five, Sunday, Jackson had decided that he wanted to visit Jakob this day. Jackson and Josey were not able to see him previously because they had to be twelve and older. Well Jackson is almost twelve and the doctor agreed to let him in since he was so close. We had for warned him that when we went in he could probably still have all his tubes in. Sure enough he did. Jackson handled it well at first but then started to get nauseous. It ended up being too much to see his little brother that day and understandably so. Brian and I decided to come back later and sure enough his tubes were out, off all his medications and we seen his eyes opened for the first time. Not only that but we got to hold him which was an unexpected surprise! Day Six, Monday, Brian worked so mom and I went up to visit Jakob. Mom hasn't seen him for a few days and was so excited to see him not hooked up to all the tubes. They were transitioning him to eating breast milk. He had not been feeding previously to this day. This was another important transitioning phase for him. To see how well his stomach reacts to food. Amazingly enough, Jakob took to his feedings well! I got to hold and feed him and it was wonderful! He chowed down on his food. I was informed by the doctor that they wanted to run a EEG on his brain and then on Wednesday do a MRI just to make sure that all is okay with his brain before they release him. I was also informed that there is a mild, moderate and severe form of what happened to Jakob and thank God Jakob's case was very very mild, but that we would need to check in with NICU for the next two years to make sure that there is no long term neurological effects. With Jakob's being on the mild end the doctor believed the likely hood of that to be non existent but we still had to take the precautions and monitor him. Let me just say how incredibly grateful I am that we did not end up on the moderate to severe end which could of easily happened. Severe would of been that he would of needed the ventilator for the rest of his life, moderate would of been life long neurological effects and more then two organs effected. AGAIN, GOD IS GOOD!!!!
Day 7, Tuesday, Brian and I were surprised to see Jakob out of his room. The oxygen tube in his nose was taken out. They had already done the EEG but hadn't received the results from that yet. We learned that Grandma and Grandpa went to visit him and got to feed him.
Brian changed his diapers while I took his temp and fed him later again. We didn't bring our camera which I wished we had cause he was so alert, eyes wide open. Just adorable. While I was holding him however, he started to twitch. We couldn't tell if this was muscle spasm or seizures. Because he was coming off his all the meds. it could very well be that his body was just trying to readjust. We pray that was the case. They were going to monitor him the rest of the night to be sure it wasn't seizures. Praying and crossing my fingers.
Day 8, Wednesday, we will be visiting him today and we'll get the results of the EEG. Find out more about the twitches and baby Jakob will be getting his MRI. Jackson also wants to try and revisit him so we will see how that goes.
LATEST UPDATE: I just called to check the time on the MRI before we came up and found out that they post poned it for a couple days. The twitching ended up being seizures so they are giving him more doses of phenobarbital. The EEG confirmed activity in the brain that he was having seizures. So please continue to pray.
Here is some information on seizures in babies.
Day 8, Wednesday, after receiving all the above information we headed to the hospital. Being on phenobarbital Jakob was really tired so he wasn't able to be bottle fed but instead fed him through tubes. He also slept the entire time we were there. He had the oxygen tube back in his nose. It was a little hard to see at first, because you feel like a step back instead of forward. Once he is stabilized on phenobarbital and given the right dosage they will then schedule the MRI again. A neurologist will be coming to see him tomorrow. More than likely we will be continuing him on Phenobarbital while he is at home until he outgrows the seizures. OH fun! The seizures were a result of the lack of oxygen and blood supply to the brain.
Day 9, Thursday, Our cute little guy was still very sleepy while we were there tonight and slept the whole time, but we got to enjoy some cute little faces that he made while he slept and snuggled with him the entire time we were there. He got to have his MRI tonight. We haven't gotten the results back from that yet, but should hear about it tomorrow. They have him now on a normal maintaining dose of phenobarbital and he has not had any seizures since around midnight. He is back on the bottle and looking much better then yesterday.
After reading a couple of emails that we received about seizures and others that have gone through this it comforted us quite a bit. What a scary thing to hear at first, but Jakob is going to be fine! We'll make sure to take some more photos tomorrow!
Day 10, Friday, Jakob is doing so well. Grammy went to see him and got to hold him for the first time today. His MRI came out normal. He was having a little problem with his feedings.
OH not that he was having a problem eating..he chows, but when he was done his chest would rattle and he would cough which could be an indication that milk was getting into his lungs. Not a good thing, but feeding specialist, didn't know they had those, will be monitoring him all weekend and they may need to do a feeding test on him Monday that will track whether food is getting in his lungs or not. He didn't have this problem before he went on the anti seizure medicine so we are hoping it is just an effect of that. We will see.
Day 14, Tues: Brian and I went up earlier today and I think we made it at just the right time. It was Jakobs time to eat and a lady from the feeding team was there. So Brian fed him and she observed. She believes all is okay and informed us on what to watch out for or be concerned about. That was nice, but she didn't think he needed further testing..Yay! Still waiting on that darn neurologist. Cross our fingers he will be up there this evening and we can bring him home tomorrow!!!!
Day 15, Wednesday: We got the okay to bring Jakob home! Yay!! By the time we got up there it was about 3:30pm. We got his prescription, they had to do a car seat test for an hour to check his vitals, got an over view of all the precautions and how to's and we were out the door by 6:30pm. On the way home I was sitting in the back with him and he started having seizures again. He would have one, then 30 sec. to a minute would go by and he would have another one. GREAT! *sigh* Once we got home and got him out of his car seat he stopped having them. We assume that it could be from the car ride home, the bumps and turns, so forth, what he wasn't use to. The doctor recommended that if he had more to call them back and let them know and if he had one more then 5 min. long we would have to bring him back in. I don't expect that I am going to be getting much sleep for the next few days and probably a tad bit anxious. When we got him home and laid him on our bed he was taking deep breaths.. I got paranoid about that. Brian informed me that he is so use to laying on firm surfaces and that our bed is probably a little to cushiony for him and that is probably why he breathing the way he is. He was fine, once we laid him in his bed.
Day 16 and 17, Home at Last! Well Thursday was spent trying to wake up from lack of sleep and getting adjusted. He hadn't had anymore seizures that we had noticed. His Papa got to see him for the first time and we had a couple of other visitors, our friend and husbands boss, Lindsey and my aunt Jean. Of course, his Grammy came to check on him a few times. Friday my aunt Bonnie and Grandma Barnes was over to say hi and good friend and neighbor Rachel got some snuggle time as well. However, when Rachel was holding him he had another little seizure and once she left a couple more back to back. We were told to call in to the NICU if he had more so we did. I spoke with one of the doctors there that informed me that since Ku Med only sees their neurologist once a week that we should take him to the Pediatric Er at Childrens Mercy, Especially since he had three or more in an hour.