Last Night Brian, my Brother Jimmy, and I all went down to Sedalia to watch our Tongie Boys in their cage fighting matches. I was there hoping to get a few good pictures for them. However, I was a bit concerned about the lighting. It was very dark w/ just shop lights over head. There were two ladders w/ stands on each side of the cage but those areas were reserved for the videographers. That would of been ideal for me, but I had to do with where I was at. Our guys were in three out of the fifteen fights and with all I was able to be right up at the cage. Even though my camera is capable of blurring out the cage and focusing in on the subject, because of lighting and focusing issues I wasn't able to do that. It took a lot to get use to and I still have a lot to study up on. Oh but it was FUN!!!!

There was this one videographer that was a heavier set lady w/ big fuzzy black hair that looked like she could kick anyones ...well she was one bad.. okay, I'll spare the language, anyway, my brother kept telling me I should go over and ask her if I could snap some shots up on the stand while our fighters were fighting. There was no way I was gonna ask her. By the third fight she had noticed my desperation in trying to get a few shots and allowed me more access then what I expected. Anytime the doors would open in the cage she let me get up their to take some shots or if people were in my way she let them know and pushed them back. She ended up being one cool lady, still wouldn't wanna get on her bad side.

I fell in love with watching the fights.. The closest thing I can compare it to for me up to this point is hockey games when the players get in brawls or their faces slammed up against the barrier walls. LOVED THAT!! The intensity of it is exilerating.. the choke holds, the jabs to the face, the body slams to the ground, the blood dripping from their nose. It's gripping and intense. Sick, in some sense, but just when you think one guys is gonna win, the underdog whips around and taps him out. You never know how its gonna come out.

So my new goal is to conquer the lighting issues, take some good action shots for our Tongie Bad Apples Fight team and in the mean time enjoy watching them kick some serious......
What aperture lens are you shooting with? A low aperture like 1.4 or 1.8 would be helpful in this situation.
I was curious about that. The one I was using didn't have that low aperture. Hmmm.. crap.. am I gonna have to purchase a new lens? lol.
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