Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Benign Sleep Myoclonus in infancy
Overwhelmed, but this time with love and blessings!!
The devil wants us so easily to overlook the positive in our lives and let the negativity take hold. In knowing this, I have realized that I have given little to the positive in my blog.
Let me start with the present and work my way backwards. Friends... oh my Lord do we have some loving, trusting, compassionate friends around us and many of them. Never have I felt so much love from the day Jakob was born to present. In going through the drama and the pain that we have lately, those friends, true friends come out of the wood work and have been there for us in many ways. I have a very giving heart and to be in a situation where I feel limited because I am so caught up in all that is around us, makes it hard to receive. I wanna be in that place to do for those I love, but have had to learn to take gifts as well. Its humbling on one end, but on the other, as I sit here with tears running down my face because I am overwhelmed with the amazing blessings of friends, it heals my heart and lifts my spirits to know how lucky we are.
Secondly, the basic positive events that have given us time to breath in times when it doesn't seem possible. We were approved through healthwave.. thank GOD! Jakob is over a $100,000 baby so that was a answered prayer right there.
Also, the last check of Brians covered what we needed it to cover for the month,
and compared to last years August,which was my slowest month with no orders at all, I have received tons of orders this August which is great news considering how money is tight these days.
I met with the neurologist today and Jakob is doing great. I have a name for the seizures he was having and what those were all about and start lowering his dosage till he is completely off of phenobarbital.. yeah.
Brian is Coaching for Shawnee Mission North Freshman team. He is finally doing what he loves and he gets paid pretty well for it for the time he puts in.
Thirdly, family.. and do note that I am putting these things in order of not importance but in the order in which I can say the blessings have come from present to past, just to eliminate any sensitivity. Just as I am overwhelmed with friends I am with family as well. We have had to ask for some favors and some help and that isn't easy for us to do at all and you have pulled through for us even when it wasn't exactly the right time or perhaps you didn't have it to give at the time and yet you still helped.
We have so many people to hug, so many people to thank, so many thank you letters to send, something of which I am horrible about. Your concerns, your prayers, your help, your advise and your listening ears have meant everything to us.
What was our issues again?? I can't seem to remember?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Status Update on the DRAMA
She asked if ever Jackson was left with the baby and Josey alone and of course, he's not, but we did tell her that he is aloud to take Josey to the Library or visit me at the studio. We assured her that everything is in a block radius but he's not aloud to go further then that with her.
She was perfectly fine with that and I'm sure once she met him she was reassured.
I am relieved that all went well although there was no reason why it shouldn't of. I am extremely annoyed that "the people" that called, who I think I can guess who it is, has it out for us so much or feels that strongly about what awful parents we are to do so.
Oh to small minded people who have nothing more to do then to nosey around in other peoples lives and try and find problems where there is none. Being open and honest and doing right by people doesn't always pay off in the long run. I refuse to be bitter, but finding a way to forgive the ignorant is very hard to do.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A sad day
Let me start by saying I have amazing kiddos. Those of you who know them would say the same. I am confident in that. My oldest, Jackson, who is 12 is awesome. We are truly blessed to have him. He is responsible, loving, compassionate, kind of an ol' soul. My 4 1/2 year, while very sassy but well tempered and funny. She's such a girly girl. No fit throwing and does what she told for the most part and adores her brother. Jakob, well we still have plenty of time to brag about him. So far, remarkable baby, of course.
I love my kids so much and have stayed at home with them all these years to make sure they are well taken care of. I am thankful to have a wonderful father and husband in Brian. We are open and honest with our kids and talk to them about everything. We also allow them their independence on many levels which is why I feel Jackson is the responsible young man that he is.
We live right in the middle of town. Main st. and my studio is a block up the road. The school is a block west and the Library a block east. Last year, I gave Jackson the responsibility of watching Josey for only a short time and only if our neighbors were home. Brian was working and I would be at the studio working. If I felt like they were gonna be left alone for too long a time I would get a babysitter. Jackson did very well. I wouldn't of done that if I didn't believe whole heartedly that he could handle it. There are some kids that I believe are mature enough at a certain age and others I wouldn't trust if my life depended on it. Jackson was definitely trust worthy. This year, he can walk with Josey up to the Library as well. Last year he was able to walk with her up to the studio if he needed to bring her up. No big deal.
Because we now have Jakob and Brian is home more often Jackson hasn't had to babysit for quite awhile. He takes Josey up to the library with him on occasion and that is it.
Josey... my little princess.. she eats a ton, but lately we have been having a battle of trying new things and eating what you are given at dinner. Some things she out right refuses to eat and others times if she doesn't like it we get the gag reflex... brother. Anyway, she is a skinny little thing and we always tell her she is gonna fly away if she doesn't eat. She does get plenty of food during the day. She is blessed with wonderful genes and ever since she was a baby, that girl has had very little fat. High metabolism..she's lucky.
Why am I going on about all this??? Today SRS called us. They are meeting with us tomorrow. Someone called and said that the twelve year old is left to watch the 4 year old too much and that Josey is too skinny.
I cannot tell you how heart wrenching it is for someone to accuse you of being a bad parent. I know I'm not, in fact, I know I'm a damn good parent. But not just accuse you of it, but feel so strongly about it that they wanna call SRS on you. I can't stop crying today. I am in aw. I don't understand. Of course, anyone who reads this will question us as well. I fully expect that. All I can say is to look and know our kids, To see their behavior and how they are with us and with others around them, you should know, or quickly realize they are well taken care of.
I can only take guesses as to who it is, but really how much does it matter at this point. Now we get to face the SRS and hopefully they will see for themselves.
I am not sure how much more drama and stress I can handle. Brian is still technically with out a job, although still doing part time insurance adjusting work. Money is tight, very tight and now this..not to mention family drama on my side.
On a good note.. Jackson started school today, 7th grade..wow. Josey and Jakob are doing great and business has been amazing this last month, thank GOD!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Celebrations and Struggles
This has been a crazy few months with curses and blessings and a new realization of my faith. First, the curses. I'll make it short. Brian and I always said that if he was gonna go back to claims it would be if a hurricane hit Houston. Well hey, a hurricane did hit Houston! It's name was IKE. So we agreed to take the gamble. He quit his sales job which provided a steady income and went to work at Farmers. The last time he did this he was in for 11 months with Katrina and Rita. Little did we know that after 2 months they were letting all the IA's go. Thank God we didn't blow our money and we made it through four more months while Brian searched desperately for another job.
Four months later, still searching, he takes a job as a independent for a small insurance company handling local claims. His search never ended because while we are happy he has a job, he only gets paid when the insurance companies pay. Never consistent and sometime never enough for us to get by till he gets paid again. He's still searching to make up for the income in which we are lacking.
I have Jakob and that is a big blessing, but what is to follow was mixed with heartbreak and much stress. Two days after I get home from the hospital and Jakob is in Nicu, the heavy reality of our situation hits. We are barely able to cover our measly mortgage payment.. then the months that follow, its seems our hole just keeps getting deeper. While Brian is still searching for something else, my business is effected by the economy. Not only am I out of work in April cause of having the baby, which is my busiest month in spring, but I am increasing noticing that people are holding on to their money more. Instead of my average order of $150 to $200 It is now $35 here or $50 there and orders being placed months after the photo shoot. I'm still getting plenty of work and actually started booking two weeks after having Jakob, but I'm not seeing the money like 2008.
It is now July. My mother has had to step in and pay our mortgage this month. Our internet has been cut off because we couldn't pay our bill which is why I'm sitting at the library. We are leaning mostly on what money I earn in photography, with both of us desperately searching for more. Never in our almost 15 years of marraige has life been so tough.
New realizations of my Faith - Those of you that know me also know that I am not one to hold any of my feelings back and I am pretty much an open book. My hope is that what I have to say may shed insite or hope to anyone going through what we are. Three years ago, I had an amazing amount of faith in the Lord. I looked forward to church and working with our Alpha group. We were faithful tithers and even gave more generously in times when others needed help. God was priority in our lives. We put him first in everything we did. Brian got the job as an IA and worked in claims for 11months. We considered that a blessing never making that kind of money before. Life was great!
When claims were done we were able to look back and see all our credit cards paid and other things that hung over our head taken care of. It was like a big load was taken off our shoulders. Brian started looking for a job not knowing when he would be back in the office doing claims again. Three months past. It was getting late in the day and I had no money for food. Nothing. Out of desperation I pulled out a credit card that had been paid off and used it to buy food. I was angry. Why hadn't God provided. Why was it taking Brian so long to find a job. Why hadn' t there been any extra opportunities to make money that week. Why in the world would God allow this. He doesn't want us using credit cards. We have been tithing faithfully for years, isn't he suppose to provide?
A year later, we are in deeper debt with our credit cards then we have ever been. We owe the IRS a ton, and are barely making ends meet. I am still confused and my faith has faltered. We no longer are going to church.
To present, never before have I realized just how angry I was at God. Never before have I realized just how little faith I have. The hole keeps getting deeper and my faith is finally being tested to its limit, what little faith I have left. But at this point what do we have left but to have hope in the Lord. I have gone a couple years with out even praying, but lately I have prayed so much more.
One day as I was listing some things on Craigs list, I had a AH HA moment. I am a spoiled BRAT! Brian and I didn't do everything we could of done, we didn't cut down where we should of, we didn't sell things that we didn't need. There is a lesson to be learned. At the point that we are at in our lives now we have no choice to be creative. We don't have the credit cards or loans to take out. We have already exhausted all of our resources. My faith is now building. I feel like we are starting to climb out of this very deep whole.
Two weeks ago Brian got paid, we were hoping this next check was going to be bigger. His last one was a whole $115.00. He shows me this next check for $208.00. $208.00 !!!!!!! This is suppose to pay our mortgage and help provide food and gas for the next two weeks. Brian had been working his tail end off and that is what he got. That's the way the insurance claims business is, but we can't live like this. I lose it! I mean I feel like I have gone over the deep end. Just when my faith was building I feel like I have to start over again. I find my self yelling at GOD, laughing at the whole idea of faith. I'm laughing in my hysterics..laughing! Brian, being the good husband that he is, is trying so hard to help me make some kind of sense of this all, but having no luck.
The morning comes and its a new day. The next day comes and my anger towards God starts to dwindle and I'm picking my self up again. I humble myself to him and basically turn it over to him completely. I am exhausted. Hands in the air. I give up!
I'm sitting here blogging and I'm thinking about this week. God has provided. Although we don't have the money yet to pay mom back for our mortgage, he has provided us money for food so far. I have gotten orders, and more orders, and I am almost over booked this week with sittings. I spend last week and this week watching a friends kids which helped with more money. Apparently I had not surrendered all. There are lessons in everything and in these trying times its such a load off when you can turn all your stresses and sorrows over to the Lord and say "God, I am going to do everything in my power to get out of this, but I can't do this alone. I need you. I need your help. I surrender all!"
Three years ago, I never would of thought to turn my back on the Lord. Looking back at that defining moment when I had to use that credit card I realize I didn't wait long enough on the Lord. I didn't wait for him to act. He would have provided. We would of been forced like we are now to do everything we know to do. We didn't then. One Friday we had nothing! Nothing for food. Before the weekend was over we ended up with $250.. garage sales and selling what we didn't need.
I don't know yet if this hole we are in is gonna get any deeper, but we are doing all that we can to climb out of it. Brian is still searching. I am still searching but thank God, things are really started to pick up with business. My faith is building and I'm seeing God work in our lives everyday.
Blessings - First, I don't think I need to mention, but I will, our little almost 3 month old blessing at home. He is our little miracle baby. We are blessed with so many wonderful friends and family who prayed for us when we were in the hospital. Friends have also come along and helped and been there for us as we go through these tight times. We are so thankful for them. Family, has helped us a ton. We absolutely do not like to be on the receiving end of gifts, but have had to these last few months. Its very humbling, but we are extremely thankful. I am blessed to have the husband that I do. Financial strain can often be the ruin of marraiges, but for us it makes us stronger. Jackson and Josey are amazing and keep us smiling. Jackson has been keenly aware of all that is going on. I am so blessed to have a son with compassion and understanding. We may not have a lot of money right now, but we are rich in friends and family and for this I can give much thanks to GOD!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Jakob UPDATE!!!

for more pictures of Jakob.
Album: Jakob Quinn
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Jakob Update and New pics

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Making our little house work
While we have been in our house off of Green each of us has literally been in about every bedroom we have.
Originally, when we just had Jackson and had no intentions of having more, this house was the perfect size with one bedroom downstairs and two rooms upstairs. It is considered a two bedroom house cause you have to walk through one room to get to the other. Jackson was downstairs, Brian and I upstairs with an office. It was great, but along came Josey.
So Josey had the office room. However, Brian and I felt at some point that the kids should have the upstairs rooms and we should have the downstairs room so we traded rooms with Jackson. At some point, we decided Jackson would want more privacy without having Josey walking through his room all the time so we decided that we would move to the sunroom, Jackson would have Jo's room, and Josey would move downstairs. This would leave that middle room up there for a play area, hang out type room. . Well I was getting tired of the middle room being such a mess with toys. I never made it up stairs very often and it was just too much to keep track of. So how could I fix this problem? OH I know.. Lets let the kids both be upstairs again, Brian and I will move back to the downstairs room. All the toys will go in the Sunroom and that can be a play room more or less. That done, but oh crap we are pregnant again!!!!
Up until recently we were just going to keep a pack and play in our room for baby Jakob, not knowing what the heck we were gonna do. We love living where we live. We have the best neighbors and friends, we love being a block away from the elementary school. Our mortgage payment is awesome. We just weren't ready to find something new. So what to do... ????
Okay, here we go again. *breath* Jackson is going in the sunroom, which he is ecstatic about! Should I be putting an alarm on the door incase he has the urge to sneak out.. that may happen soon. Baby Jakob will be taking Jacksons old room. We are staying put and Josey is staying put. We don't know where the toys are going just yet! Oh and I got fixed so there will be no need to make room for any other kids.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Baby Jakob Quinn

Day Four, Saturday, Jakob was down to 25% oxygen. The doctors and nurses were telling us that he should soon be off all meds. and the ventilator all together. Wow, so soon! Amazing! We had thought we were going to be in here for two weeks, but the progress he was making was unbelievable. Thank God! They had previously put him on a medication that basically paralyzed him so he wouldn't pull any of his tubes out. They had already started weaning him off of that med, but it was this morning that when I held his hand he squeezed my finger. What a wonderfully experience to have first thing Saturday morning! I had checked out of the hospital this day. I really hadn't thought it was that bad until I got home later that evening and was missing him tremendously! But sure enough we got up first things Sunday morning and headed to see him.

Day Five, Sunday, Jackson had decided that he wanted to visit Jakob this day. Jackson and Josey were not able to see him previously because they had to be twelve and older. Well Jackson is almost twelve and the doctor agreed to let him in since he was so close. We had for warned him that when we went in he could probably still have all his tubes in. Sure enough he did. Jackson handled it well at first but then started to get nauseous. It ended up being too much to see his little brother that day and understandably so. Brian and I decided to come back later and sure enough his tubes were out, off all his medications and we seen his eyes opened for the first time. Not only that but we got to hold him which was an unexpected surprise!

Day 7, Tuesday, Brian and I were surprised to see Jakob out of his room. The oxygen tube in his nose was taken out. They had already done the EEG but hadn't received the results from that yet. We learned that Grandma and Grandpa went to visit him and got to feed him.

Brian changed his diapers while I took his temp and fed him later again. We didn't bring our camera which I wished we had cause he was so alert, eyes wide open. Just adorable. While I was holding him however, he started to twitch. We couldn't tell if this was muscle spasm or seizures. Because he was coming off his all the meds. it could very well be that his body was just trying to readjust. We pray that was the case. They were going to monitor him the rest of the night to be sure it wasn't seizures. Praying and crossing my fingers.
Day 8, Wednesday, we will be visiting him today and we'll get the results of the EEG. Find out more about the twitches and baby Jakob will be getting his MRI. Jackson also wants to try and revisit him so we will see how that goes.
LATEST UPDATE: I just called to check the time on the MRI before we came up and found out that they post poned it for a couple days. The twitching ended up being seizures so they are giving him more doses of phenobarbital. The EEG confirmed activity in the brain that he was having seizures. So please continue to pray.
Here is some information on seizures in babies. http://oce.sph.unc.edu/phnceac/babyguide/seizure.pdf
Day 8, Wednesday, after receiving all the above information we headed to the hospital. Being on phenobarbital Jakob was really tired so he wasn't able to be bottle fed but instead fed him through tubes. He also slept the entire time we were there. He had the oxygen tube back in his nose. It was a little hard to see at first, because you feel like a step back instead of forward. Once he is stabilized on phenobarbital and given the right dosage they will then schedule the MRI again. A neurologist will be coming to see him tomorrow. More than likely we will be continuing him on Phenobarbital while he is at home until he outgrows the seizures. OH fun! The seizures were a result of the lack of oxygen and blood supply to the brain.
Day 9, Thursday, Our cute little guy was still very sleepy while we were there tonight and slept the whole time, but we got to enjoy some cute little faces that he made while he slept and snuggled with him the entire time we were there. He got to have his MRI tonight. We haven't gotten the results back from that yet, but should hear about it tomorrow. They have him now on a normal maintaining dose of phenobarbital and he has not had any seizures since around midnight. He is back on the bottle and looking much better then yesterday.
After reading a couple of emails that we received about seizures and others that have gone through this it comforted us quite a bit. What a scary thing to hear at first, but Jakob is going to be fine! We'll make sure to take some more photos tomorrow!

Day 10, Friday, Jakob is doing so well. Grammy went to see him and got to hold him for the first time today. His MRI came out normal. He was having a little problem with his feedings.
OH not that he was having a problem eating..he chows, but when he was done his chest would rattle and he would cough which could be an indication that milk was getting into his lungs. Not a good thing, but feeding specialist, didn't know they had those, will be monitoring him all weekend and they may need to do a feeding test on him Monday that will track whether food is getting in his lungs or not. He didn't have this problem before he went on the anti seizure medicine so we are hoping it is just an effect of that. We will see.

Day 14, Tues: Brian and I went up earlier today and I think we made it at just the right time. It was Jakobs time to eat and a lady from the feeding team was there. So Brian fed him and she observed. She believes all is okay and informed us on what to watch out for or be concerned about. That was nice, but she didn't think he needed further testing..Yay! Still waiting on that darn neurologist. Cross our fingers he will be up there this evening and we can bring him home tomorrow!!!!

Day 16 and 17, Home at Last! Well Thursday was spent trying to wake up from lack of sleep and getting adjusted. He hadn't had anymore seizures that we had noticed. His Papa got to see him for the first time and we had a couple of other visitors, our friend and husbands boss, Lindsey and my aunt Jean. Of course, his Grammy came to check on him a few times. Friday my aunt Bonnie and Grandma Barnes was over to say hi and good friend and neighbor Rachel got some snuggle time as well. However, when Rachel was holding him he had another little seizure and once she left a couple more back to back. We were told to call in to the NICU if he had more so we did. I spoke with one of the doctors there that informed me that since Ku Med only sees their neurologist once a week that we should take him to the Pediatric Er at Childrens Mercy, Especially since he had three or more in an hour.
Friday, January 23, 2009
It's been too long!