Well once again, we are going to furniture arranging fools. Our friends will be shaking their heads and laughing at us. It's to be expected.
While we have been in our house off of Green each of us has literally been in about every bedroom we have.
Originally, when we just had Jackson and had no intentions of having more, this house was the perfect size with one bedroom downstairs and two rooms upstairs. It is considered a two bedroom house cause you have to walk through one room to get to the other. Jackson was downstairs, Brian and I upstairs with an office. It was great, but along came Josey.
So Josey had the office room. However, Brian and I felt at some point that the kids should have the upstairs rooms and we should have the downstairs room so we traded rooms with Jackson. At some point, we decided Jackson would want more privacy without having Josey walking through his room all the time so we decided that we would move to the sunroom, Jackson would have Jo's room, and Josey would move downstairs. This would leave that middle room up there for a play area, hang out type room. . Well I was getting tired of the middle room being such a mess with toys. I never made it up stairs very often and it was just too much to keep track of. So how could I fix this problem? OH I know.. Lets let the kids both be upstairs again, Brian and I will move back to the downstairs room. All the toys will go in the Sunroom and that can be a play room more or less. That done, but oh crap we are pregnant again!!!!
Up until recently we were just going to keep a pack and play in our room for baby Jakob, not knowing what the heck we were gonna do. We love living where we live. We have the best neighbors and friends, we love being a block away from the elementary school. Our mortgage payment is awesome. We just weren't ready to find something new. So what to do... ????
Okay, here we go again. *breath* Jackson is going in the sunroom, which he is ecstatic about! Should I be putting an alarm on the door incase he has the urge to sneak out.. that may happen soon. Baby Jakob will be taking Jacksons old room. We are staying put and Josey is staying put. We don't know where the toys are going just yet! Oh and I got fixed so there will be no need to make room for any other kids.