Last night my brother Jimmy, my lovely friend Brianna and I headed off for another night of cage fighting. I was told to be there by 6pm to make sure to get in for the
VIP sitting and that I was to get a arm band so I wouldn't have to pay. It was at The Show
gentleman's club in Independence. Not a bad drive, probably about a half an hour away which was much better then the last long drive to
Sedalia. It was a tad disconcerting at the incredible lack of organization from the club. I stood in line forever waiting to get my arm band. Only to pay general admission so I could get in. The arm bands never
surfaced. Even though I was still allowed full access to the cage and in VIP I still had to pay for the damn ticket. The second blow came when I found out that the fights didn't even start till 8pm and that there no major alarm for the
VIP seats to fill up. Being the people
pleaser that I am I already felt horrible for dragging my brother and Brianna there so early. So we walked around and talked to her whoever we could that would make the night a little more interesting. I handed over my camera to Brianna to hopefully add a little more amusement to her evening. She took probably half of the pictures which was kind of nice. The third blow of the evening was when the fights, which were suppose to start at 8pm, didn't actually start till 9pm. UGH! Tommy was the first to fight, then Billy was 8
th in line.
Tommy put up a good fight, but lost the match in the end. Billy won, his opponent coming away with a broken Jaw. We ended up leaving after Billy fought and calling it a night. I had assumed that everyone was probably ready to go after waiting around forever.
Even though the night didn't exactly go as I had hoped it would, I had good company and enjoyed talking to the fighters and the rest of those around us. Here are a few pics from the night.

My brother, who probably would of opted to stay for the rest of the fights.

Tommy Adkins who was first to fight.

Brianna, who I know is gonna love me for posting this pic.

The Carey Girls.. Friends from forever ago. Brianna took this pic.

Tommy Adkins... up first to fight.
A couple more pics from Brianna.

She did good.

Billy warming up...
lol.. Brianna took this one too.

Just look at the intensity in his face.
Hate the cage fighting but omg, that's Laura! Haven't seen her in 15 years!
Laura looks great! They were fun! Teresa always cracks me up! I didn't think I would like cage fighting either, but it's very intense!!! I can't help but like it and it helps when you know the people you are cheering for.
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