We are moving the studio and store again. Hopefully this will be the last time. I went from renting out the Old Train Depot temporarily, just on the days I needed it, to moving to a store front on the main road in Tongie. It was very charming, but too small for both the studio and the store and not on the busiest side of town. As of Sept. 1st we will have so much more room, storage space, and be right where all the traffic is in town so we are excited. However, the building that we are renting is filthy. FILTHY!!!! We made a deal with the owners that we would clean up the inside and only pay half of our downpayment. So last night I was up till midnight painting trim and cleaning a nasty bathroom. It will be cool when we are done, we just keep reminding ourselves.
School starts after next week for Jackson, which I am excited about. He will be in 6th grade. WOW, growing up way too fast. I debated whether I was gonna put Jo in preschool, but I decided I am going to school her myself like I did Jackson. We are fortunate to have fantastic neighbors that have kids around Jo's age that she plays with constantly so I am not at all concerned with the social aspect of it. I'll probably be putting her in some kind of gymnastics or dance class soon. She is already in Piano and Jackson is taking Guitar lessons which he loves!
Brian is still plugging away at work doing sales and doing pretty good. He loves his job and the people he works with. However, we are still wishful for those major hurricanes or natural disasters.. I know sick. Another jaunt in insurance would be fantastic right now that I am fully dependent on the store and photography for income.

As you can tell Cynthia and I have our work cut out for us.
Congratulations on the new space! So, should we wait until you're all set up to come check it out?
Jackson is in 6th grade...that's just crazy. Can you believe how fast they are all growing?
Josie is taking piano? Impressive.
Did you get my comment earlier. It drove me crazy that your blog was down. Threw my OCD totally out of whack! lol!
You can come out earlier and help me paint. I'll bring beers I promise. We can even put the kids to work too. hee hee. The new place is going to be great when we get done with it. It's bigger. We had to move mainly because we are starting piano and guitar lessons in our shop too. Yeah, Josey loves Lessons and Jackson is already rockin out on the guitar. After lessons he comes home and teaches Brian what he learned. Pretty cool! The will have their own band before long, just give them a few years. lol
I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on with my blog. It was really ticking me off trying to fix it. Sorry to throw your world out of whack. ha ha
Sorry to misspell Josey's name. I hate when I do that. I must have the whole "Josie and the Pussycats" thing ingrained from childhood rather than "The Outlaw Josey Wales." Forgive me. That's still my favorite western.
The new place looks like it has great potential. We have to paint our living room, hall way and bedrooms before Lisa lets me do any free-lance work outside the house.
Jared's got a guitar and Ashley just got one today for her birthday. So hopefully, they can eventually show me a thing or two. I was always too easily distracted to ever pick it up.
Well, gotta go. Talk to you later.
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